The Prick Test

Typically I’ve heard of the prick test being some sort of allergy testing method.. Before I had kids, I vaguely heard about how expensive and painful it was. Didn’t think I would get to find out for myself through my boys! Haha! 

So here’s a post about the allergy prick test.

When we first brought E to see Prof Hugo van Bever (NUH) about his eczema, Prof Hugo suggested an allergy prick test. We were recommended to see him from a friend who heard he was good. Prior to NUH, we brought E to NSC to see A.Prof Lee (can’t rem her full name) once.. And it wasn’t a good experience – she was busy teaching medical students and in a nutshell treated my baby like a specimen. I was also clueless about steroid creams but any mum will agree with me that the suggestion for a 12 month old baby to “wear gloves” is a silly idea. Like small little tubifast (a kind of breathable bandage) glove. REALLY. I also asked if E could be allergic to something and she dismissed my suggestion, stating he was too young for any tests. So we never went back. 

So when Prof Hugo suggested a prick test.. I told him the other doctor didn’t quite agree and his answer was “if it’s not safe I wouldn’t suggest it”. And so E went through a prick test for the Big 4 allergens – wheat, dairy, soy and egg white. The test itself wasn’t scary, what they did was to place drops of the allergens, together with a control on the inside of the child’s arm. Then used a small tiny needle to prick the skin so that the skin is exposed to the liquid allergens. Wait 15 mins and the Med tech would measure the size of the reaction on the skin (typically if you were allergic, a red bump would appear). And through that we discovered E was allergic to egg white! 

Strangely he had never had any eggs. So why the reaction? Prof Hugo shared (to our horror) that egg protein is AIRBORNE. And the particles could land on the skin of the child is in an environment with egg exposure – think Yakun and all the people eating soft boiled eggs. I was a huge fan of soft boiled eggs and any egg dish in general. Also, egg was a common ingredient (biscuits, cakes) in so many food!! The egg protein also passes through breast milk. Ta-dah! Mystery solved. Once we eliminated all eggs in our house and his diet, E never had a bad eczema flare up like in the past. The doctor was right. 

I was also told that children will usually outgrow egg allergy by 4-5 years old. So there is hope for my eggs Benedict. 

So when it came to Iain’s turn, Prof Hugo warned me that the baby would likely have the same egg allergy, so to avoid eggs in the house and in my diet since I would be nursing. We also did a prick test for Iain to confirm the allergy when he was 4 months old. So yes, safe for babies. ๐Ÿ™‚ most importantly, no tears from the toddler or baby! 

Hope this clears the air! And oh I forgot to say it’s about $60 (so far my kids have only been tested on 3/4 allergens each time). 

Baby at his 1yo prick test this week. The prof orders the test during reviews. E has his yearly to check on his progress of outgrowing his allergies, and Iain has his 6 monthly. He is also allergic to peanuts. 

After being pricked and waiting for reactions.

How the test results look. 

Hope this post helps to debunk some myths. ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Playground Review: Fun N Laughter (City Square Mall)

It’s been quite terrible to be hazed in for days. So glad the past 3 days have been clear! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

On Tuesday, I decided to leave work early to bring E out. He has been cooped up for many days (post-party) and was beginning to act up a little – I suppose I would too, if I had no place to exhaust my boundless supply of energy (why can’t mums have energy levels like that of a toddler?!). 

So was our evening of spontaneity. Decided to check out Fun N Laughter because I like City Square Mall – toys r us, Uniqlo, saizeriya.. What’s not to love? 

There are 2 indoor playgrounds located there. The other being Petite Park, which we’ve been to when he was 1+. I personally feel Petite Park is better for young toddlers. 

A nice surprise that greeted us was Tayo the little bus! E’s current favourite cartoon! Wow! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ok, while Tayo wasn’t the theme of the playground, they sold lotsa Tayo merchandise, had a wall with Tayo & friends on it, and the little boy couldn’t be happier. Are we in Tayo land? 

As we went in, E spotted an actual ride-on Tayo. We tried riding on the little bus, but it couldn’t move. Bleh, it was out of battery. What a bummer. Interesting, there was a track that I suppose is meant for the bus (had there been battery..). Still, the kiddo was happy pretending! 

What I really liked about the playground was the two ball pits. E spent most of his time “Swimming” in balls.. And we had fun! 

Later, J came by to meet us for dinner and gave E a big surprise!! Guess with daddy around, he felt empowered to climb up the playground structures. Hmpf. I spent 1.5 hours trying to convince him to go up and he refused.. Ah well! Structure wise, lotsa fun and well-maintained. The slide was a lot of fun. There are also 2 trampolines! 

What I didn’t quite like about the place was the lack of pretend play. E, being the imaginative sort couldn’t quite make sense of the mess in the room that contained the pretend play toys. He has some fun with the projected graphics on the ground though.. We had a good time stomping and jumping on them. Haha! 

All in all, not a bad place for climbing and expanding energy. Entrance fees of $18 for unlimited play on weekdays. We had a great 2 hours together and he was tired out. Thank God!!! And what made all the difference? Daddy. 


Hopefully it’s the end of the haze! Indoor playgrounds can be so expensive!!! :/ 

Window Art – 25 mins of fun!ย 

And so we woke up to yet another hazy day – was hoping it would be clear so I could bring E for a bus ride, but it was not to be. We started the morning with some cooking fun, since the baby has been very keen to “cook” and it entertains both kids for a little while. Dragged our kitchen set to the living room and the kids had some fun.. 

E was evidently bored all morning. That bundle of restless energy – I asked if he wanted to do puzzles? He declined. Play with his cars? Nope. Watch a cartoon? Ok but it lasted all but 5 minutes. So while the baby napped (tired out from playing), E hung out with me in his room.

Me: you’re bored?

E: Evan wants to play.

Me: what do you want to play? 

E: *shrugged* 

Me: wanna draw on your windows? 

E: *cheered up immensely* yesyesyes!! 

And so I took out our trusty window markers and we had some fun. 

This appeals to him much more than crayons and paper.. I suppose because it’s much more interesting? And you get to look outside! 

It always gets to a point where he will ask me to draw while he dictates. “Mummy draw a train! And a bus! Double-decker!” 

We eventually settled on his Favourite topic (currently) – space and planets. Interesting point to note – he remembers most of the names of the planets we talked about. Mars being his favourite. “The little red planet!” 

I took the chance for some learning moments.. And spelt the planets for him. It helps for him to remember the planets as he can recognise upper case letters. So when he sees “J”, he immediately says “Jupiter”; “V” and he knows “Venus”. Hopefully this adds to early literacy! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Ok the whale (he said it was a fish) is there because before planets, I was trying to whet his appetite – we had been reading Julia donaldson’s “the snail and the whale” last night. 

Last bit of fun – cleaning up! Crayola makes it so easy to clean these windows. Either a wet cloth or wet wipes. This boy had no hesitation with helping.. He loved the whole process of cleaning because it was gross. Haha! Boys… 


Hope this helps with busting some boredom for all stuck at home like us! These markers were a gift I received before I got married.. So they definitely have a good shelf life! We’ve used them umpteen times too.. So I would say a good investment (<$10)!

 Have fun with your kiddos! ๐Ÿ™‚  

“He has severe eczema”ย 

Over the weekend we celebrated baby I’s first birthday.. A few days to go until his actual first birthday.. It was tiring business – party planning, mingling, entertaining the boys! I’m glad we’re done!!! Until the next big birthday thing (21st, we agreed!). Here’s the birthday boy! 

Was sorting out his pictures in chrono order and it took me two hours on a hazy public holiday. Looking through the pictures brought waaaaay more emotions than I had expected. You see, my little boy has severe eczema, and it hit him the worst between 6 to 8 months old. Those 3 months of our lives were pure madness. 

I thought I would chronicle this because at my darkest moments, I was scurrying through blogs, hoping someone could shed some light and give me some advice – like real REAL life sharing of what’s it like, what was done, how it was, whether it worked.. I yearned to read something that reflected the turmoil within myself.. I couldn’t really find much, with the exception of one blog. I will talk about this later. 

J grew up with a host of allergies. Both he and his dad had eczema. We didn’t think very much about it. E suffered moderate eczema, but we eradicated much of it once we discovered the trigger to his eczema was an egg allergy. So after banishing eggs (in every form) from our household and diets, his skin improved a lot. 

So while I was pregnant with baby I, I was told to take probiotics as it supposedly reduces the risk of eczema. So I did! Religiously!! Baby I was born was beautiful skin, a little dry like all of us, but nice rosy cheeks (our boys have rosy cheeks, taking after mine! Haha!). At 4 months, his skin began to be a little patchy so I brought him to see E’s allergist and he took a prick test that showed an egg allergy (which was expected). I had already been avoiding eggs anyway, so I didn’t think very much of it. 

Yet after eradicating eggs, his skin didn’t seem to improve. In fact, it got worse. My baby who had already begun to sleep rather well (sometimes through the night) was wakeful at night, scratchy and unhappy. So we brought him back again at 6 months – and was told “your son has moderate-severe eczema, I will increase the dosage of the hydrocortisone cream 0.5 to 1% and if he doesn’t improve, he may need a course of oral steroids.” 

At this point, I was really afraid. I’ve heard much about steroid creams and was ok with it. But oral steroids?! It sounded quite insane and lethal. The allergist assured me that it was very safe and scheduled a review in a week’s time. 

I panicked. Decided to find out as much information as I could. Since I couldn’t find any blogs, I joined a Facebook group that was all about eczema. This group talked very much about TSW (topical steroid withdrawal) and did not recommend steroids for possible side effects. It went well with me. If possible I wanted to avoid the oral steroids. So using the group as a guide, I started on a journey of helping baby be steroid-free. 

So came the journey of oatmeal baths, different types of non-steroidal creams, essential oils, natural healing methods, Chinese herbs, probiotics.. Anything that was attested to be good, I would try it. 

And all the while he just kept getting worse. From dry skin, to patches, to stubborn patches that wouldn’t heal, to weepy patches, to blood, to pus.. It was horrendous. Every time I bathed him, he would scream in pain. I remembered E’s delight at bath times and couldn’t understand why bathing was hell for baby. 

He wasn’t eating well, he began to lose weight. I began to lose weight as well, trying to eliminate various things that could cause a reaction in my diet as he was breastfed. 

He wasn’t sleeping well. In fact, he hardly slept. He would wake every 1-2 hours from the itch and discomfort. And his wakefulness would wake E, who could hear the commotion. We didn’t sleep for months. It was very dark and depressing.

The lack of sleep was affecting me so much I began to be resentful of the baby. Every moment was difficult. He was so difficult to love, and that was difficult for me. I always felt guilty, not good enough and wondered why he was making our lives a living hell. J and I were so exhausted we were unhappy. E was upset and needed attention too, which I was frankly, happy to give. It was so much easier to be mummy to E. 

My sweet smiley baby was slowly becoming angry, upset and sad. He hardly smiled and was always whiney. I wanted to much to cuddle and love him the way I could with E, but it almost always ended bad. And I would huff and puff about my difficult baby. 

My parents begged me to use the steroid creams again, but I was unwilling to. Each day of being steroid-free was one day more right? Until I could no longer function with the lack of sleep, I brought baby for his vaccination and my pd was very concerned. He saw the infected skin and asked me why I was doing what I was doing. I simply said I didn’t want him to be on oral steroids. It was bad. Pd then suggested we do a thorough blood test to be sure of the allergens. We agreed. Baby was also prescribed 2 doses (on 2 different occasions) of antibiotics to treat his infected skin. The test results showed a high reaction to peanuts. My boy has a serious peanut allergy too! 

So after the whole thing with the pd and finding out the latest allergen, we consulted our pastor – who is a doctor by training. We shared about how the eczema has robbed us of our joy as parents and we could no longer function. His advice? To go away for 2 nights – to sleep. And that was probably the best advice ever. We went! Thankfully our mums chipped in to help with the kids and we went for a staycation and slept. And slept. And slept. 

Of course it didn’t solve the eczema. But it did refresh our brains. One sleepless night, I prayed over Iain the way I would – asking God for wisdom, for protection, for healing. As baby slept, I stumbled upon the blog I was talking about and for the first time, I read about a mother’so experience with eczema and steroids. And Guess who their Doctor was? My kids’ allergist. I felt prompted that it was time to bring him back to see the allergist, 3 months past his review date.

The doctor looked at him and said “why didn’t you come back when you were told?” 

I said I was afraid of the oral steroids and wanted to try alternatives. 

He gave me a very stern look and said “your baby is not a Guinea pig.” 

That really made me mad but since I was already there.. He prescribed a 5 day course of oral steroids. (Details in future posts) in a nutshell, he got better those 5 days! But my nightmare wasn’t over. After the dose, the eczema came back in full force. My happy baby was back to his normal scratchy self. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ 

Brought him back again (I camped out quite often at NUH then) and was told it was not advisable for another dose. My emotions were really Low then, after experiencing a happy baby for a week, it was back to normal. He was prescribed another 2 types of creams and we were asked to come back if it worsened. 

Till now, it’s been 4 months. I haven’t gone back yet and will be going back for his review in a couple of weeks! I’m happy to report that he is much better. What worked? I really am not sure about the medication, but definitely God’s grace. He still flares up every now and then, but it has been manageable. Sleep wise, he doesn’t sleep as well as his Brother, but nothing compared to those nights. 

To God be the glory! 

A Long post to set the stage for more detailed posts about treatment, tests, products and how our family coped. Hope everyone is still awake! You’ve reached the end of this post ๐Ÿ™‚ I am detailed because a condensed version would not do anyone justice. 

*feeling emo* 

Promise to write more about this soon! 


Fixing a booboo

Of late the toddler has been exhibiting a lot of attention-seeking behaviour, refusing to eat, lotsa tantrums and crying, waking countless times at night.. Everything that involves a choice almost always ends up with a tussle. 

J and I have been so irritated, angry and we’ve scolded, cajoled, bribed, caned, timed-out, timed-in, rewarded, spent 1-1 time, researched etc. In a nutshell, we are almost mirroring E’s moods. 

I am a rookie parent to a toddler. My sweet gentle E has morphed into a difficult, manipulative teenager-like 2.5 year old. He still needs lotsa cuddles and words of affirmation, but the moods switch faster than you can say “stop it!”. Sigh. You can imagine, with an almost 1 year old baby in tow, E’s antics have not been very well-received by any of us. Which probably makes it worse, since he obviously is seeking attention. 

So while I pray for wisdom, I had an odd idea my play therapy supervisor once talked about. (Ah-ha! My kids are my Guinea pigs!)

My little boy loves penguins. His Favourite book is about a penguin who got lost. So we got him a big penguin, which he calls mummy penguin, and a little one – baby penguin. Previously he didn’t think very much of them, but of late, he would request to hug Mummy Penguin to sleep. And when I put him to bed, he would insist every single night that I had to hug Baby Penguin.

On hindsight this playfulness feels very metaphoric. If you understand metaphors. If you don’t, this is psychobabble and doesn’t matter much. 

So we were playing together with I, and while the baby was preoccupied with E’s wall decals, I had this conversation with E.

Me: hey darling, can I sayang your foot? How’s your rash?

E: ok mummy. 

Me: oh poor thing. *pats feet* I think you need a plaster for your foot. And this other foot too!!

E: plaster! Evan wants plaster! 

Me: let me see. *rummaged through my first aid box and found some Cars plasters* Here you go! 

E: Evan likes plaster. 

Me: would you like another one for this foot? 

E: yes yes mummy! What’s his name? 

Me: ummmmm not sure, lightning mcqueen’s Friend. *made a big fuss of his plastered feet with pats and lotsa TLC* 

E: *laughs* mummy, penguins bumped their head. Need plasters too. Evan put plaster! 

Me: wow! 

E: all better now!! *big smiles* 

While some fancy plasters were wasted, the additional attention seemed to work for a while. He was happy! And he showed it with smiles and being extra nice to his Brother. It was also easier to get him to wash up for bedtime.. 

Something to think about perhaps? 

And about the metaphor of the Penguins with plasters – perhaps we are both needing TLC from each other. 

May tomorrow be a better day! One more day to my baby’s first birthday party.. ๐Ÿ™‚ lots to do tomorrow, but what a blessing! 

Good night! 

At boiling point…ย 

My vocation is one where burnout is so common it’s a norm, and we’ve developed ways to nip it in the bud before it gets full blown. Being a people helper can be so emotionally draining, thankless and the paperwork that comes along with it stinks. 

I think being a mum is largely the same, if not worse. You don’t get much tangible benefits (no $ – no new shoes!), it’s thankless (unless you count the P’s and Q’s that you would insist), and worst of all, no calling it quits. 

I’ve noticed that I exhibit similar symptoms each time I near mothering burnout:

  • I get snappy at EVERYTHING they do
  • I find feeding, putting them to nap/bed, showering – a chore 
  • Cooking is a pain because I have no inspiration 
  • I can be quite rough with them 
  • Little mishaps feel personal 
  • I need more than 2 cups of Teh C a day 
  • My voice is louder and my tone sharper than usual 
  • My kids look at me quite cautiously (really) 

Today was a tough one. Already yesterday I felt all of the above – but I decided to tahan until this afternoon when I really wanted to throw something at E for being fussy at lunch.. That i figured I better get out for some air (haze). 

After putting them all to nap, I packed my stuff. The idea was to go have lunch, quiet time, and errands. Except I didn’t realise E had hidden the car keys. 

I was planning on using the car today to meet some friends. It was supposed to be a play date but over the last 2 days, I told J that I didn’t want to bring any kid. “I’m tired”. Right until this point I still was undecided who to bring, but that’s besides the point.. I digress. Back to the key.. So I couldn’t find it!!! I was sooooo mad. Boiling point.. Thankfully E was asleep otherwise I might have really thrown something. So I dig out the spare, and realised the remote is out of battery. So I hoped into a cab and made my way to my original destination, with another errand (change battery) added. 

So I had my lunch. Prayed for a word to change my heart and spent some time with God. It was amazing. Truly only Daddy God would know exactly what I needed, exactly what I was at that point. 

Contrite. And low-spirited. That would be me. Was so encouraged. 

So yes, note to self (which is why I’m writing this) – what to do when I’m next in this snarky mood: 

  • Eat. The lack of food and hunger (often when I’m at home) always puts me in a worse state. 
  • A moment in prayer. 
  • If possible, 15 mins with God. Maybe next time if I can’t get out I will rely on trusty Disney Junior Channel. 
  • Get.Out.Of.The.House. I had some sushi, a Teh C, and spent 10 mins in my Favourite store (Uniqlo – this story another time). It made me feel human again. 
  • Text fellow good friends who understand – that’s when I feel loved and was prayed for. It made all the difference. 

2 hours later, the haze crossed 250, but I was feeling much better. Errands done, brain had caffeine, stomach filled, soul revived. 

I decided to go on the play date after all. 

My kinda lunch. ๐Ÿ™‚ bought me a bit of time with God. It’s a season. It’s a season!

No I still can’t find my keys ๐Ÿ˜ฆ 

Painting with Littlesย 

There is something alluring about a sticky gooey mess (not the diaper kind). I’ve always believed that a young child should be encouraged to mess and not be shunned from creating one. It’s very liberating for a little one to explore their senses without inhibition!

Easiest and earliest sensory play for me was to introduce paints. Finger paints to be exact. Squishy, cold, gooey – perfect for little fingers and toes. 

I started E with this at around 10-11 months. Since then he has been painting with his fingers and toes (and later on brushes) at least once a month. On and off I would join in. But since I had baby I, it was a whole new ball game – how do you do sensory play with both! 

One day I decided to let the baby join his Brother. We went back to the most basic. Huge sheets of paper, paints and that was it. To engage E further I included some cookie cutters so he could do some stamping. 

I use mahjong paper because it is big enough to contain mess. While it may not seem very thick, it actually can hold quite a fair bit.. Unless of course your kid decides to paint repeatedly at one area, of which then the paper tears easily. Lining the ground with newspaper always helps – but I’m too lazy. Taping the paper down is essential.

I also use paper plates to hold the paints. Cheap and easily accessible. 

E, being super accustomed to painting, went straight to work painting his hands and later feet. I, the rookie, was very cautious though. 

So here comes the big question I always get – what paints to use? 

Another big question is – how do you manage the mess?! 

As a child therapist I swear by crayola. Simply because it is so easy to clean. With child clients you really never know when or how they interact with paint. So mess-friendly materials is always a winner. 

With my own brood I like crayola finger paints. So easy to wash off (body parts and furniture alike), non-toxic (my kids have tasted some.. Not nice, E says.), and vibrant Colours. Not too expensive as well – most big toy stores stock them. 

Tada! Their masterpiece. In the past I would save their pictures but now we have so many, we sometimes turn the better looking ones into wrapping paper. 

I also find that the kids are often so proud of their work, so I would display it (one piece of mahjong paper) on a wall (usually in the balcony). Try it! You’ll enjoy the sparkle in their eyes when you tell others about their art. 

Material list: 

  • Mahjong paper ($2.90 for 5 pcs – popular) 
  • Crayola Finger Paints (a box of 4 tubes costs about $16 I think, wait for discount!!) 
  • Cookie cutters for stamping ($2.90 from SKP)

I vary with the things I let E paint with. Sponges, sticks, paint brushes of all sizes. A little tip – Don’t use your whole bag of tricks for one time, otherwise they start getting choosy! 

Let them lead while you can ask if they need your “help”. I also try to make E help with the clean up – haven’t been very successful in that area though! :p 


Playground Review: Little Planet Playland

This week, I made a date with a friend whom I’ve been meaning to catch up with – and we decided to check out Little Planet Playland at Centrepoint! It was going to be a play date for our kids too. 

Prior to this, I read a couple of reviews from various ones about this place and thought it sounds fun, given E is one who loves his pretend play (compared to playgrounds that focused more on structures and ball pits). On a Monday morning, the place was totally empty. Perfect for 2 mums and 2 kids! 

From a play perspective, this is the perfect place if your child has a vivid imagination, loves to pretend and role play! It had everything necessary for prospective Farmers, gardeners, chefs, parents, shoppers, knights and maybe princesses too. 

What captivated E most was the gardening pit. Unlike messy sand, the clever owners used cassia seeds. Clean! And same sensory effect! Maybe you can’t build using the seeds, but E spent a good half hour scooping and hoeing and using all the gardening tools available. They even had some play vegetables in the “plot” next to the pit, so we tried to do some harvesting using those. It was really fun! Throughout the play, E kept rerouting back to this pit. So definitely worth my money!  

E’s counterpart enjoyed shopping around the grocery store more! And it was fun!! I liked how they bothered to use pretend food that looks so real.. A bit too real!! 

And one last highlight of the place was the play area for fishing. There was really a boat and lots of fish with kid-friendly fishing rods! We had a blast! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

All in all, it was a great time we had. I think we could have spent more than the 2 hours we were there but we ran into lunch time and the kids were hungry.. $25 for unlimited play on weekdays, definitely a place I would go back again. 

Point to note though, this may not be the best place for below 1s or young toddlers. Imagine your baby feasting on cassia seeds!! 

I would come back for a few reasons: 

  • E loves pretend play, and there isn’t any other playground equipped so well.. Especially the cassia seeds pit!!! 
  • Centrepoint seems relatively empty in the morning, so I would come in the morning.. Arrange a play date or something! 
  • It’s a new set up, so the toys and gear are very new and clean. 
  • I also like the hygiene checks – important!!

So yep, have fun! Google them to check it out! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Starting over (with blogging)

The Husband has been egging me to get this done. So I countered with “I’ve no time!!! Unless you find out what’s the best interface to blog from my phone.. Then maybe it’s possible!”

And he did! 

So here we are again. And I’m hoping this will actually amount to something. I wasn’t quite sure what this blog was going to be about, but I think since most of our lives now revolves around our littles, that our journey would be a part of this. Perhaps snippets of book reviews, rants (most definitely) and maybe even things to do.. So yea while I most certainly hope this doesn’t end up like those Mum blogs, I have to admit they have been useful especially in reviews and places to go! 

I also hope to share about our eczema journey here as a means for me to take stock. Interestingly, I was going through a year’s worth of pictures of baby I.. And looking at the months he suffered from severe eczema brought some chokes. I remember in my darkest moments, trying to find a blog that could answer my questions, only to find just one single blog, of which I will talk about in time to come. It was quite Godsend ๐Ÿ™‚

So a little about us. 

I’m a part-time working Mum. (So yes, expect lotsa rants about that whole balancing act thing here) I do and teach social work. 

J – my dearest Husband, the love of my life, also a social worker and my voice of reason. 

E – born Feb 2013, our firstborn boy. 

I – born Oct 2014, our secondborn boy. 

We live in a 4-room HDB in the north, where I’m told is the best area to live in SG because of frequent rain – and I love rain!!! (Coming from someone who hates bringing an umbrella out). We serve and love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

So yes, I hope this works! And that whatever I have to write will come in useful to others out there, just as how many blogs have been helpful for me in my journey. 

Here’s to being a mum, the overthinking, worrying and the maniacal laughs we enjoy with our littles. 

